Savoury Parmiso – about 15 minutes to make!
Melt the coconut oil in a microwave or in a bowl over hot water
Put the cashews in the processor and pulse grind to a coarse sandy texture
Apart from the oil, add all of the remaining ingredients to the processor and pulse a couple of times to mix
Now add the coconut oil and pulse again a few times until the mixture comes together as a moist crumble
Scoop out or tip the mixture onto your greaseproof paper
Using your hands roughly form the mixture into a cylinder approximately 20cm long on the greaseproof paper
Roll the cylinder of Parmiso up in the greaseproof and gently twist the ends tight to firm up the cylinder
Put in the fridge to harden for several hours.. We then keep ours in the freezer, peel the paper back and grate it directly onto our meals using a micro-plane.